Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy 2010 from Miss Terri and Miss Julia

Hi Moms, Dads and Special Grown-ups,

Welcome back to Pre-school and a blustery 2010! Last year it was a struggle to fit in a unit on Winter time and snow, but this year Mother Nature is more than cooperating! The children all seem excited to be getting back into the school schedule. Miss Julia and I were greeted by smiling faces filled with anticipation.

On Monday and Tuesday we read The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats.
We made frosty Wintry W's. We talked about how some colors "looked" cold and frosty and some looked warm or hot. We liked looking at the frosty colors on the first few pages of The Snowy Day. We looked at frosty pale blues, purples and greens swirling in the white back round.
We mixed up all the frosty colors and painted some Popsicle stick snow flakes to look like the ones in the story.

On Wednesday and Thursday, we read Is That You Winter by Stephen Gammel. Old Man Winter showed up with a truck full of snow and dumped it all around for the children to play.
We loved the illustrations in the book. The were blustery and stormy. The children got to do some seriously messy painting! We started with a thick and gooey winter-white paint and splatted some blue sky paint on top. Then the fun part...we blew the blue and white paint with a straw and created a big storm. We glued on snowflakes and cotton ball snow banks and dumped Epsom salts and glitter bits for a blizzard.

Geraldine's Big Snow

On Friday we began with a snowy morning welcome.
We began to read Geraldine's Big Snow by Holly Keller. We plant to revisit it this week.
Geraldine is a little piglet who is very excited about a big snow storm that is on the way. She is losing her patience waiting! We were excited to celebrate Shabbat together again! It has bee almost three weeks since the last time!
As usual, we joined Miss Ali's and Miss Gloria's room for lots of festive singing and dancing.

We are looking forward to the Winter time projects and stories coming up this week.
Soon we will take a peek into Spring time when we begin some planting for Tu Bi' Shevat!

NOTE: Please bring in a fresh supply of diapers for your child, as we are running low.

Happy New Year and Shabbat Shalom!
Ms. Terri and Ms. Julia

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