Friday, January 23, 2009

News from Ms. Gloria, Friday, January 23, 2008

Friday, January 23, 2009 Letter of the Week: J

On Tuesday, we read Jack's Talent by Maryann Cocca-Leffler. Jack's talent is remembering all of the names of the children in his class, while some of the talents of the other children are spelling, soccer, fishing, bug catching, singing, and dog training. For our letter J art project, the children painted the J with jade green paint. On the letter J, they glued on a winter's jacket with a box of juice. During circle time, when we sang "The More We Get Together", the boys and girls thought of two letter J movements, juggling and jumping.

On Wednesday, the journal group put jungle animals on their journal page. They chose tigers, leopards, elephants, lions, or monkeys. The story group read Snow by Uri Shulevitz. From one snowflake to many, many more, a city becomes covered with snow. In yoga class, Miss Annie asked the children what they liked to do while playing in the snow. Building snowmen, making snow angels, walking through deep snow, and throwing snowballs were their responses. Miss Annie read A Snowy Day and the children used yoga poses to pretend to go outside and play in the snow. After play, they pretended to wash and dry their clothes by making their arms move like a washer and dryer. Then, they prepared for a snack. They made their bodies look like a table and a chair. For a snack, they made a sandwich, popcorn, and drank hot cocoa from a straw. Each of these actions was demonstrated with yoga poses by the children.

On Thursday, we read Pig Pig Gets A Job by David McPhail. Pig Pig wants to earn some money so his mother tells him that he will need to get a job. Pig Pig thinks about being a cook, a builder, an auto mechanic, and a circus animal trainer until his mother tells him that his job should be one that he can really do. For our art project, the boys and girls painted murals for our Rap a Tap Tap city.

On Friday, we read Jeanette and Josie by Claude Lager. Nothing seems to be going right for Jeanette until she looks out of the window to see the falling snow. Not only does Jeanette have fun playing in the snow, but she makes a new friend. Our art project was to make an illustration of a jam sandwich and, for an extra treat, we put jam on our Shabbat challah at snack time.

*Thank you to Laura, Sebastian, Hayden, and Nina for being our super "kids of the day" this week.

*With winter approaching and the possibility of snow, please use the radio, TV, or internet to find out if the Philadelphia Public Schools are open or closed. If the schools are open, then we are open. If closed, then we are closed. This is the only way that you will find out about Playschool weather closings.

*Don't forget about Afterschool Arts Clubs. The children have a great time participating in free play, story, bike riding, snack, and Cooking, Science, Art, Movement, and Music. Please have your child try Afterschool Arts to see what fun it is!

*In looking forward to February, the Playschool will be closed beginning on Thursday, February 12 through Tuesday, February 17 for the President's Day holiday.

*Next week, we will learn letter M. Have a great weekend!

Miss Gloria, Miss Allison, Miss Mindy, Miss Sophie and Miss Lily

News From Ms. Terri and Ms Amber: January 12-February 5, 2009

Hi Moms, Dads and Special Grown-ups

We've had a busy few weeks. We have been reading even more snowy weather books while we talked about letter S. The children made some super silver sparkle S's. They attached them to snowflakes. The Kitten class has two friends whose names start with letter S, Simon and Sydney.
We added pictures of them to our Snowflake collage.

Another of our favorite books about snow is When It Starts to Snow by Phillis Gershator and Martin Matje. The children really like making all of the animal noises and learning what their homes were called. We were all puzzled by an animal not many had heard about, the stoat.
A stoat is a small carnivorous mammal from the weasel/ermine family. Some of them change their coats from brown in the Spring/Summer to white in the Winter time.

We also read one of my most favorite books Crictor by Tommy Ungerer. Madame Bodot receives a mysterious "O" shaped gift for her birthday. Crictor the brave boa constrictor becomes her pet and good friend. He even saves the town from a sneaky burglar. The children made some great portraits of Crictor.

Next we talked about the letter F. We read The Book of F by Jane Werner and William Dugan and "Fire Fire!" Said Mrs McGuire by Bill Martin Jr. and Vladimir Radunsky. The children had great "fun" "finding" things that started with letter F around the feathers, french fries, flowers, etc.

We made the letter F into a Flamingo and tried to stand on one foot like they do.
We learned oodles of songs for letter F.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5
I caught a fish alive
Why did I let him go?
Because he bit my finger so

We also sang about 5 Funny Fish and Five Green and Speckled Frogs
I think they are fast favorites and we'll be singing them frequently!

For letter W we read Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes. The children agreed with Wemberly's Grandmother, she worried too much. They thought it was really silly that Wemberly feared she would shrink if she got a bath. A few children said that your fingers got wrinkly, but not to worry, they go back to normal after awhile! We painted a Winter scene on our W's and put a picture of Wemberly worrying to remember the story.

With all of the snow we've been getting, we added another favorite Winter book,
Grandmother Winter by Phyllis Root and Beth Krommes. We cut up some white feathers like the ones Grandmother collected from her geese, and blew them around and made pretend snow inside. The children made snow geese to gabble and squawk and honk and hiss. This book also has beautiful wood cut illustrations by Beth Krommes. The story also talks about lots of different animals and where they live during the Winter.

For Letter P we read Playful Little Penguins by Tony Mitten and Guy Parker Rees. The children made Penguin collages that were holding pink and purple P's. We waddled like penguins during circle time and of course found out what our names would sound like if we changed the first letter to the letter P. This is one of our favorite things to do when we talk about a new letter.

We are getting ready to celebrate Tu B'Shevat this coming week. We are looking forward to singing Happy Birthday to the trees and doing lots of tree related activities. We started reading another Sammy Spider adventure. Sammy Spider's First Tu B'Shevat by Sylvia Rouss and Katherine Janus Kahn teaches the children about the seasons and talks about all of the magical things that trees provide for people and animals. We began doing large table paintings in greens and browns so that we can decorate our room with even more trees...showing different seasons.
We are very excited to plant some parsley seeds fro Tu B'Shevat. We think they will be ready to harvest in time for Pesach!

*The Playschool will be closed beginning on Thursday, February 12 through Tuesday, February 17 for the President's Day holiday.

* Please use the radio, TV, or Internet to find out if the Philadelphia Public Schools are open or closed. If the schools are open, then we are open. If closed, then we are closed. This is the only way that you will find out about Playschool weather closings.

Shabbat Shalom and enjoy the weekend.

Ms. Terri and Ms. Amber

Classroom News from Miss. Ali and Miss. C- January 19th 2009

This week we began our unit on Wildlife! We will continue this unit through next week as well!

On Tuesday, January 20th we practiced the letter "D" in our Handwriting Without Tears workbooks. We also made a silly paper plate monkey face and talked about the different species of monkeys and what they like to eat.

On Wednesday, January 21st we reviewed the number "7" and also began practicing the number "8." We also made creepy crawly snakes using paper plates!

On Thursday, January 22nd we went over objects that didn't belong on our language arts worksheets. The children had to identify what was wrong with the row of pictures they saw..( I.E. 3 school buses and an airplane, what doesn't belong?) We also made a frog collage and illustrated a habitat for our 5 froggy friends! We enjoyed drama with Mr. Michael and acted out a book where we had to become different animals. The children also refreshed Mr.Michael's memory with a name game!

On Friday, January 23rd we made a silly picture of a mouse eating some cheese. We also drew where we thought our mouse could live. We ended our week with some songs and dancing at Shabbat!

Thank You, Thank You to our Royal Reader this week, Fred Squires!

Books For The Week:

Stanley Goes Ape- Griff

Creepy Creatures- Eyes on Nature

Life In Ponds and Streams- National Geographic Society

By Word of Mouse- Bloomsbury


This Monday, January 26th Wildlife comes to Pre-K!

Multicultural Week in the Pre-K- February 9th-February 11th

Class Field Trip to the Arden Theatre!- Tuesday, March 31st

~~School will be closed Thursday, Feb 12th-Friday, Feb 13th AND Monday, Feb 16th- Tuesday, Feb 17th for Presidents Birthdays.

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Miss. Ali and Miss. C

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Class News From Miss. Ali- January 12th

Last week our unit was Friendship in honor of Martin Luther King Day on Monday, January 16th.

On Monday, we began practicing the letter J. We also each drew a friend in our classroom and described why they are good friends to us! Some of our friends said that they were friends because they like to play together and sit next to one another during lunch time. Our cute paper friend dolls are displayed in our room!

On Tuesday, we practiced the number 6 and began practicing our new number 7. We started our first day of our friendship tree project. Each group painted the leaves and trunk of our friendship tree~

On Wednesday, we continued practicing the letter J in our Handwriting Without Tears books and also continued our Friendship Tree project~ This time we cut out our tree and decorated leaves that we put our photographs on! This spectacular tree in on the outside of our classroom door.

On Thursday, we practiced some Language Arts skills and constructed our very own friendship quilt, which we "sewed" together with string! We also had drama with Mr. Michael and practiced sound effects!! The children had a great time making their own sound effects for different situations! We cant wait to see what Mr. Michael has in store for us for the rest of the year!

On Friday, we thought of words that began with the letter “J” and constructed silly sentences with them! We thought of sentences such as Juicy Jellybeans in Japan and James wears Jewelry in January!! We also had a fun Shabbat celebration with Cantor Carl!


Books This Week:

Monday-That’s What Friends Do- Kathryn Cave

Tuesday- Goldie is Mad- Palatini

Wednesday- Peter Spit A Seed At Sue-Koller

Thursday- Little Miss Bossy

Friday-Little Miss Shy


Monday, January 26th..Wildlife Comes to the Pre-K!

February 9th-11th- Multicultural Week in Pre-K!

Tuesday, March 31st- Class Field Trip to the Arden Theatre to see a production of "Frog and Toad"

Thursday, January 15, 2009

News from Ms. Gloria, Friday, January 16, 2008

Friday, January 16, 2009 Letter of the Week: W

On Monday, we prepared for our trip to the Art Museum. We read Rap A Tap Tap by Leo and Diane Dillon. In this book, Mr. Bojangles tap dances his way through the streets of the city. As illustrated in the book, Mr. Bojangles dances a lively dance. His legs move very quickly as he dances for his audience. For our art project, the children made their own Mr. Bojangles. The art work made by the children will be on display next week. You will see how they made Mr. Bojangles look as if he was dancing with quick movements. The boys and girls enjoyed playing the parachute game, too.

On Tuesday, at the museum, the theme of the lesson was Music, Dance, and Movement in Art. We viewed dancers, musicians, and movement in paintings and sculpture. The children positioned their bodies like the ballerina in the sculpture, Little Dancer, Aged Fourteen by Degas, they pretended to make music as they looked at Three Musicians by Picasso, and they tried to guess where the dancer was dancing at in the painting, At the Moulin Rouge: The Dance by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. For the art project, the children learned the process of printmaking using a pastel crayon, pointer, roller, and ink.

On Wednesday, the story group read The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats. This books tells the adventures of a young boy on a very snowy day. The other group made a snowman illustration in their journals. In yoga, the children named their favorite snack as they practiced yoga breathing. The boys and girls used a bracelet of bells to ring as they pretended to ride a train into the forest. On their imaginary adventure, they posed as animals that moved in the snow, like a puppy, donkey, lizard, and birds.

On Thursday, we read All You Need For a Snowman by Alice Schertle. In this book, a snowman begins with one small snowflake and it is complete with billions more. For our letter W art project, the boys and girls made whooping cranes like the one in the book, Panda Bear, Panda Bear What Do you See ? by Bill Martin Jr.

On Friday, we read Playful Little Penguins by Tony Mitton. This rhyming book tells how penguins enjoy the winter weather. In this book, we picked out the letter W words: wintry, weather, waddling, whee, watch, wait, wiggle, and water. For our art project, the boys and girls made penguins that play in the snow and ice.

*Thank you to Kethan, Jonnah, Lucas, and Anya for being our super "kids of the day" this week.
*Thank you to all of the parents who accompanied us on the trip. Our third trip to the museum will be on Tuesday, March 17.
*We will be closed on Monday for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
*With winter approaching and the possibility of snow, please use the radio, TV, or internet to find out if the Philadelphia Public Schools are open or closed. If the schools are open, then we are open. If closed, then we are closed. This is the only way that you will find out about Playschool weather closings.
*Please make sure that the extra clothing that your child keeps at school is for the winter weather.
*Don't forget about Afterschool Arts Clubs. The children have a great time participating in free play, story, bike riding, snack, and Cooking, Science, Art, Movement, and Music. Please have your child try Afterschool Arts to see what fun it is!

Have a great weekend!
See you on Tuesday!
Miss Gloria, Miss Allison, Miss Lilly, Miss Sophie and Miss Mindy

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Miss. Ali's Class News from 2009

We hope everyone had a wonderful and happy holiday season!

The children were excited to come back to school in a different year, 2009!

Last week we discussed the new year and our goals and plans for it!

On Monday, January 5th we began practicing the letter "S" and decorated some BIG 2009 numbers with glitter and craypas! We also counted down from 10 and said "Happy New Year!" when the clock struck NOON!!

Tuesday, January 6th we reviewed the numbers "5" and "6" and drew a picture and explained where we saw ourselves in the year 2019 (10 years from now, when we are 15!) Some of us saw ourselves being a skateboarding champion, when others saw themselves studying science in high school!

On Wednesday, we continued practice with the letter "S" and started to read a chapter book! Our book talked about the mummers and why they are special to the city of Philadelphia! We even made our own fun and unique mummers headbands.

Thursday, we talked about goals for the new year. Our friends thought of terrific goals such as learning to be a better reader, being a better friend, and even trying to ride a 2-wheeler bicycle! We also practiced some language arts skills and completed some worksheets. We were very excited to have our first drama class of the new year, with Mr. Michael. The children sang a getting to know you song, and did some review of what they learned in 2008

On Friday, we were excited to celebrate the first shabbat of 2009 with Cantor Carl and wrote a new years poem!



Wildlife Comes to Pre-K Monday, January 26th!

Notices and permission slips have been sent home for our field trip to the Arden Theatre and are due back by Wednesday, January 14th! Tickets are 12.00 a piece and parents and siblings are welcome to join us.

School will be closed Monday, January 19th for Martin Luther King Day!

Books We Read This Week:

First Night- Harriet Ziefret - Monday

Little Bears New Year Party- Janice- Tuesday

Patrick and the Golden Slipper- Katherine Milhous- Wednesday- Friday

Friday, January 9, 2009

News from Ms. Gloria, Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday, January 9, 2009 Letter of the Week: W

Happy New Year!

Preview this book

On Monday, we welcomed back the children in the new year. They were all very excited to tell us about their holiday experiences and that now we are in the year, 2009. We read When It Starts to Snow by Phillis Gershator. In this book, the animals tell us what they will do and where will they go when it starts to snow. The mouse will creep into the house, the cat will sit by the window, the sparrow will look for seeds, and the geese will fly south. For our art project, we painted two murals for our winter bulletin board.

On Tuesday, we read City in the Winter by Eleanor Schick. This book tells how Jimmy is off from school because of a blizzard. On this snow day, he enjoys making breakfast with his grandmom, helping her clean, making an art project, having an indoor winter picnic, and then, taking a walk in the deep, deep snow. We talked about the kinds of clothing that we wear in the winter, such as hats, scarves, coats, snow pants, boots, and mittens. The boys and girls learned a poem about the cold winter weather. For our letter W art project, the children decorated the W for winter with a snowman, hat, and mittens.

On Wednesday, the journal group made snowmen for their entry. The story group read Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes. This book talks about the worries of a preschool child. In yoga, Miss Kim began the class with yoga breathing. She asked the children to say their names and to tell the yoga group something that they did over the winter break. The boys and girls played "Red Light, Yoga Light". They posed as dinosaurs, trees, and slithering snakes. The imaginary yoga trip was to go on an adventure to a rainforest. They flew on an airplane and traveled by rowboat to get to their destination. In the rainforest, they posed as frogs, lizards, and bats.

On Thursday, we read The Snow Globe Family by Jane O'Connor and S. D. Schindler. A snow globe, that sits on a mantel, excites the baby of the family so much that all she wants to do is shake the globe to make it snow. To continue with our winter bulletin board, the children made snow angels.

On Friday, we read Snowballs by Lois Ehlert. In this book, a family of snowpeople is created after a snowstorm. Unusual objects, like bottle caps, seeds, and popcorn, are an added dimension to the creative snow family. For our art project, we made name tags for the trip to the Art Museum.

*Thank you to Ava, Max M., Brooke, Maxwell, and Jack L. for being our super "kids of the day" this week.

*With winter approaching and the possibility of snow, please use the radio, TV, or internet to find out if the Philadelphia Public Schools are open or closed. If the schools are open, then we are open. If closed, then we are closed. This is the only way that you will find out about Playschool weather closings.
*Please make sure that the extra clothing that your child keeps at school is for the winter weather.

*Don't forget about Afterschool Arts Clubs. The children have a great time participating in free play, story, bike riding, snack, and Cooking, Science, Art, Movement, and Music. Please have your child try Afterschool Arts to see what fun it is!

*Tuesday is our trip to the Art Museum. Please pack your child's lunch in a paper bag.

*We will be closed on Monday, January 19 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

*Next week, we will continue with winter projects.

Have a great weekend!
Miss Gloria, Miss Allison, Miss Sophie, Miss Lily and Miss Mindy


Hi Moms, Dads and Special Grown-ups!

HAPPY 2009!
Welcome back to school. We hope you all had a restful and happy Winter break.
The children seemed really excited to be back to school.
They barely missed a step and came back brimming with excitement to begin.

Is That You Winter?

We begin January talking about Winter and snow.
This week we read Is That You Winter? by Stephen Gammell.
This book has beautiful stormy illustrations. (See above)
The children made a very energetic painting of a blizzard. We painted it standing up instead of sitting down. We talked about how much farther we could reach standing and about how we could make bigger and stormier marks with our brushes. We cut up the painting and turned it into a snowy mountain scene that we could display our snow people and other Winter time projects in.

Next we read Snowballs, by Ms. Terri's fave author Lois Ehlert. The children loved the idea that there were snow dogs, cats and babies!!! We made super snow people and added them to our blizzard scene.

We are all excited for the Full Wolf Moon tomorrow!

This full Moon appeared when wolves howled in hunger outside the villages. It is also known as the Old Moon. To some Native American tribes, this was the Snow Moon, but most applied that name to the next full Moon, in February.

Historically the Native Americans who lived in the area that is now the northern and eastern United States kept track of the seasons by giving distinctive names to the recurring full Moons. Each full Moon name was applied to the entire month in which it occurred. These names, and some variations, were used by the Algonquin tribes from New England to Lake Superior.

Maybe it will bring us our first Winter snowfall!

A few reminders...
If your child is still wearing diapers, please bring in more.
Our supplies are almost out.

There will be no school on Monday, January 19th
Martin Luther King Day

Shabbat Shalom!
Ms. Terri and Ms. Amber

Monday, January 5, 2009

News from Ms. Gloria, Friday, December 19, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008 Letter of the Week: H

On Monday, Joodles the Clown entertained the children with songs, games, magic, and a yummy snack, following lunch. She sang Hanukkah songs with the children and read The Hanukkah Mice by Ronne Randall. The children had a great time and we thank Joodles for her performance.

On Tuesday, we read This is the Dreidel by Abby Levine. This book tells how Hanukkah is celebrated in the home. The menorah is lit each night, latkes are eaten, dreidel games are played, families get together to celebrate the holiday, and gifts are often exchanged. For our art project, the children made dreidel people. On Wednesday, the children in the journal group decorated dreidels. The other group of children read Beni's First Chanukah by Jane Breskin Zalben. This book also tells about a family's celebration of Hanukkah. In yoga, Miss Kim asked the children to find objects in the room that were squares or rectangles as they practiced yoga breathing. We played "Yoga Simon Says". Our imaginary trip was to take a journey at night. The children used yoga poses to get dressed in warm clothing. They pretended that it was a snowy night and, in the snow, they made a large snowman and snow angels. They used yoga poses to drink hot chocolate through a straw, too. The boys and girls made footprints in the snow, as they walked back home, then they changed into their pajamas and went to bed.

On Thursday, we read Is It Hanukkah Yet? by Nancy Krulik. In this book, the anticipation of Hanukkah awaits a young girl. She must patiently wait for the sun to set so that the first night of Hanukkah can begin. For our art project, the boys and girls made a Hanukkiah, a menorah that is used for Hanukkah. On Friday, we read Eight Chanukah Lights by Annie Auerbach. In this book, the lights of the Hanukkah menorah brighten each of the pages of the book. Our art project was to make Happy Hanukkah cards for our families.

Thank you to Charlotte, Ciampone, Phoebe, Max L., Sebastian, Harry, Lucia, Owen, and Cole for being our super "kids of the day" during the last two weeks. We send our best wishes to the Dienna family in their new home. Thank you to all of the parents who attended the Parent Teacher Conferences. It was great to have the opportunity to speak to everyone. Thank you to all of the families who attended the Hanukkah Happening and Playschool Open House. The children had a fantastic celebration of Hanukkah.

The winter holiday break begins on Monday, December 22. The Playschool will re-open on Monday, January 5, 2009. Our second trip to the Art Museum will be on Tuesday, January 13. Please let us know if your child will be attending.

With winter approaching and the possibility of snow, please use the radio, TV, or internet to find out if the Philadelphia Public Schools are open or closed. If the schools are open, then we are open. If closed, then we are closed. This is the only way that you will find out about school weather closings.

Please make sure that the extra clothing that your child keeps at school is for the winter weather.

To all of our Playschool families, have a wonderful holiday season. Happy Hanukkah! Best wishes in the New Year!

Miss Gloria, Miss Allison, Miss Lilly, Miss Sophie and Miss Mindy