Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Warm Welcome to the Kitten and Puppy Class!!!

The First Full Week of School Rocked!!!

Hi Moms, Dads and Special Grown-ups,
We have finally settled in to a full schedule here at Playschool.Our Fall holiday schedule has been tricky, but the children have adjusted to the program beautifully. Almost all of our tears have dried and we have been doing some exciting art projects, singing lots of songs, exercising in our yoga/jumping circle and enjoying yummy snacks brought by our kids of the day.

So far we made the letter "A". We made this back when we were still having short days. The boys and girls learned a silly song about dipping apples in honey for Rosh Hashanah. The children decorated the letter "A" with the words to the song, along with an apple, an ant, asparagus and a healthy dose of sticky red apple paint. We also started off the year getting used to coming to our table for art projects. Some of our earlier activities included playing with playdough, free painting and coloring.


We celebrated Sukkot last week. During circle time the children learned that it was important to put on their listening ears for story time. While Ms. Terri is reading, it is time to be like "the old lady in good night moon who was whispering hush!" We read Papa, Please Get The Moon For Me by Eric Carle. A video of the story can be found here. We talked about how there was going to be a full moon for Sukkot. The moon was like a night light that would help the farmers work late into the night picking crops before the chilly winter time comes. During movement time we reached for the moon and did yoga stretches where we said hello to the sun and the moon. After circle time, the children made magnificent "Moon Masks." We painted them and glued the moon's face on. Ms. Terri and Ms. Michelle cut out the eye holes. Now when ever there is a full moon, we can go outside and look at it with our moon masks!


This Week we started talking about letter "B." On Monday and Tuesday we read a sing along with Raffi book called Baby Beluga. Ms. Terri and Ms. Michelle got out the record player and played the song on the turntable. Here's a clip. I am sure it will bring back some memories for our Moms and Dads! The children painted "Big Blue Baby Beluga B's." The boys and girls had fun trying to say that tongue twister. We also sang the "WILLOUGHBY WALLABY WOO" song. Each time we explore a new letter, we are going to change our names to begin with that letter. I got to be Ms. Berry this week!

On Wednesday, we read Sammy Spider's First Shabbat, by Sylvia Rouss. We are getting ready to celebrate our first Shabbat together. Friday will be the first time the Puppy class will travel to Miss Gloria's room to enjoy a Shabbat celebration with all of our Playschool students. During circle time we learned oodles of new Shabbat songs. It will be so exciting to gather together each Friday and sing, dance and share Challah and special blessings. The boys and girls made a collage of a "Shabbat Dinner Table." The children learned the order of Shabbat from Sammy Spider. First you light the candles, then you bless the wine, and then you bless the Challah!
Hmmm, I think we may have learned a little about "Cubism" too!!! (see above!)

On Friday, we read Dinosaur On Shabbat by Diane Levin Rauchwerger, and made some bracelets for letter "B." The Puppy class did a wonderful job sharing our first Shabbat in Miss Gloria's class. No mistake...the Puppy class anthem is the "Dinosaur Song." This coming week, we will celebrate our first Shabbat in the Kitten class. We can't wait to see what their favorite song will be!

Have a wonderful weekend.
Shabbat Shalom!
Ms. Terri and Ms. Michelle

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