Friday, September 17, 2010

News from Miss Gloria's Class: 9/17/10

Welcome to the 3 - 4 year old class.

Letter of the week: S

The boys and girls had a fantastic first day of preschool.
They were very excited to see their friends, make new friends, play with our toys, read books,paint at the easels, color, put puzzles together, and interact with the teachers. On the first day,they got a feel for some of the things that they will be doing each day, like putting their pictures on the picture boards, singing two morning welcome songs, counting the kids, and looking at the calendar and dressing the Weather Bear. The children learned the S words, September, school,and sunny from the calendar. We read Starting School by Franzeska Ewart and Leonie Shearing. This book tells about first week experiences in a new school. For our arts and crafts project, the children made placemats that they will use on Fridays when they are eating their Shabbat snack. They also enjoyed bike-riding outdoors on such beautiful day. After lunch, we thanked our "kids of the day" and "parent of the day" and we sang "Shalom Chavarim", which means "Goodbye My Friends". What a fantastic way to start the school year!

Wednesday is our yoga day with Miss Kim.
Before the class, we read Little Yoga by Rebecca Whitford and Martina Selway to introduce yoga movements to the children. Miss Kim begins each class with yoga breathing. As the children take yoga breaths, they lift a yoga ball into the air. Miss Kim asked each child to say their name and their age after they tried yoga breathing. The children played "Yoga Simon Says" and they took an imaginary trip to the beach using yoga movements. At the end of the class, the children lie on their backs to practice shavasana, a relaxation posture.

On Thursday, we read Show and Tell Day by Anne Rockwell. This book explains how children bring in something special from home to share with the class. In our own class, the "kid of the day" has the opportunity to bring in a show and tell object. Please ask your child to select a toy or book to bring in to show the class. At circle time, he/she will be able to show and tell the other children what they have brought in. For our art project, the children sponge painted their journal covers with fall leaves. In the journals, the children will illustrate drawings that will depict the seasons, holidays, letters of the week, and topics that we learn about in class. The boys and girls will make entries in their journals every other Wednesday before yoga.

On Friday, we read Sammy Spider's First Shabbat by Sylvia A.
Rouss. This book explains how Shabbat is celebrated in the home. For our project, the boys and girls made spiders that looked like Sammy. Each Friday, all of the children in the Playschool celebrate Shabbat together along with Cantor Rebecca Carl. We sing Shabbat songs, dance, and say the Shabbat blessings over the candles, wine (grape juice), and challah.

Thank you to Phoebe, Max L., Laura, Nina, Ava, and Cole for being our super "kids of the day" this week. If you have not sent in all of your forms, please send them in by Monday. There are open spots available in our class and in any of the Afterschool Arts Clubs. Please spread the word about our programs to your friends who may be in search of a wonderful preschool for their child. This week, the children really enjoyed spending extra time in our classroom for play
and for our programming in Afterschool Arts. The children baked peach pastries, they experimented with things that float and sink, they made Shabbat placemats, they played musical chairs and played musical instruments, and they sang some of their favorite songs and learned new ones, too.

More information will be forthcoming very soon about our new Playschool blog.

Have a great weekend!
Miss Gloria, Miss Chloe, Miss Julia, Mr. Noah and Miss Mindy

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