Sunday, November 2, 2008

News From Ms. Terri and Ms. Amber 10/31/08

Hi Moms, Dads and Special Grownups,

We have been so busy over the past few weeks celebrating all of the Fall Holidays.
It was a little tricky having so many days off. We are really happy to be back on a regular schedule!
We wanted to catch you up with some of the books we read for Sukkot. In addition to Sammy Spider, we read It's Sukkah Time by by Latifa Berry Kropf with photographs by Tod Cohen. The children really liked this book because of the photographs. We passed around an Etrog and sniffed it, just like the girl on the cover. We also read Papa, Please get the Moon for Me by Eric Carle. This book is an absolute treasure and the children love the fold out pages and luscious paintings. We made fantastic "Moon masks" to view the moon through. The children are excited for the next full moon!

Thank you all for making our Fall Shabbat dinner such a lovely experience and Thank you so much for your generous support of our school by participating in our Art Exhibit fund raiser.
The children worked so hard on their paintings for days. Each time we used something different to make marks, brushes, string, stamps, and sticks. We used different colors each time we worked on it. We read Olivia by Ian Falconer and paid close attention to the Degas and Pollack paintings in the story. The children were really proud of the final product and are still excited about the "show." We plan to take walks to go and look at the paintings while they are still hanging.

We got to wrap up our letter "B" exploration this week. We made big-blue-B's, birds, and beaded bracelets. We read The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear, by Audrey and Don Wood and Bear in a Square by Stella Blackstone and Debbie Harter. Our favorite book of the week was Whis is Blue Dog Blue? by George Rodrigue. We learned allot of new names for colors, like chartreuse, auburn and magenta. We made paintings of Blue Dog.

We have been learning lots of new songs! Each time we talk about a different letter, we are changing the first letter of our names and singing the Willoughby Walloughby song. (ie. Ms. Terri>Ms. Berri) Our current favorites are The Goldfish song by Laurie Berkner and this Little Apple Seed song below. It is sung to the tune of Itsy-Bitsy Spider!

A little apple seed was planted in the ground
Down came the rain drops, falling all around
Up came the bright sun, as bright as bright can be
And the little apple seed grew up to be an apple tree

This week...Letter "C"

Have a great weekend and Shabbat Shalom,
Ms. Terri and Ms. Amber

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