Monday, November 7, 2011

News from Miss Gloria's Class: 11/4/11


Friday, November 4, 2011

On Monday, we read We Are All Alike. . . We Are All Different by the Cheltenham Elementary School Kindergartners. This book is filled with photographs and drawings of children and their families. In the book, we learn how children are like each other and how children can also be different from each other. The book tells about the differences in families, in the foods that people eat, where people live, and what children like to play. Our art project was for each child to create their own self portrait. Their art work is being displayed in the Social Hall and all of the children will complete this project.

On Tuesday, we began to learn letter C. We learned these letter C words: cat, cow, count, circle, caterpillar, crawl, coat, cupcake, clock, calendar, colors, and our friends, Charley, Collin, Cobrin, and Charlotte. We read two books today. Cleo’s Color Book, by Caroline Mockford, teaches children how to recognize colors and how to mix colors to make new colors. We also read Ten Little Caterpillars by Bill Martin, Jr. Nine little caterpillars are on the move, and the tenth little caterpillar climbs up an apple tree, hangs there patiently, until it becomes a butterfly. For our letter C art project, the children made their C’s look like caterpillars. The boys and girls practiced counting their fingers, hands, feet, toes, eyes, ears, and nose. They also counted the number of boys, the number of girls , and the number of grown-ups in the circle.

On Wednesday, the story group read Fall Is for Friends by Suzy Spafford. In this book, Emily and Suzy want the colorful leaves to fall off of the trees. They sing, “Blow, breeze, blow the leaves, gently to the ground. My friend and I are waiting! And fall is all around!” The journal group colored fall leaves to place on their journal page. In yoga, Miss Jackie read Animal Safari and the children posed as animals that live in the jungle, such as snakes, fish, lions, and crabs. They pretended to blow out the candles on a birthday cake to practice yoga breathing, and afterwards, the children named their special birthday wishes.

On Thursday, we read Beep Beep, Vroom Vroom! by Stuart J. Murphy. This book about cars has the red cars vrooming, the yellow cars beeping, and the blue cars crashing. Molly, and her brother, Kevin, have fun as they set their toy cars in motion. For our art project, the boys and girls made cars. We sang some new fall songs and we sang, “The Wheels on the Car”.

On Friday, we read The Littlest Candlesticks by Sylvia A. Rouss. Abby loves Shabbat so much that she wants to have her own candlesticks. In school, her teacher gives the children their own glass candlesticks. Abby surprises her family with the candlesticks, on which she has painted the sun, daisies, a rainbow, and a heart for the love that she feels for Shabbat. Our art project was to make a meowing cat.

*Thank you to Vasilios, Stella, Lucy, and Lucia for being our super “kids of the day” this week.

* The boys and girls are having a great time in Afterschool Arts cooking, experimenting in science, creating art projects, using their body in movement, and learning and singing new and familiar songs. Please have your child try it out! Also, if you know of any children who are not enrolled in the Playschool, but would like to participate in our Afterschool Arts programming, they are welcome to join us, too.

*All families will be receiving information about September 2012—May 2013 Playschool enrollment very soon. Our enrollment policy has changed so please make sure that you read the upcoming announcements. If you have any questions about enrollment in any of our classes for your child/children, do not hesitate to ask.

*As a reminder, the Playschool will close at 12:30 PM on Wednesday, November 23. There will be no Pre-K PM or Afterschool Arts. We will also be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, November 24 and Friday, November 25.

*Please mark your calendars for our annual Hanukkah Happening and Playschool Open House on Sunday, December 11 from 11 AM until1 PM. Children will enjoy Hanukkah crafts, music, and dreidel games. Delicious latkes will be served. More information will be forthcoming soon. We hope to see all of our Playschool families there!

Next week, we will learn letter N. Have a great weekend!
Miss Gloria, Miss Michelle, Miss Mindy, Miss Polly, and Miss Rebecca

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