Friday, October 30, 2009

News from Miss Gloria's Class: 10/30/09

Letter of the Week M

On Monday, we read Matthew's Dream by Leo Lionni. Matthew, the mouse, dreams that he is a painter after he visits an art museum. He is inspired by the shapes and colors in the paintings that he sees. For our art project, the boys and girls made a mystery painting. First, they painted their papers with cooking oil. Then, they painted over the oil with watercolor paints and named their paintings. The children enjoyed participating in movement activities where they showed us how they would, for example, lick an ice cream cone, brush their teeth, eat a banana, and fly like an airplane.

On Tuesday, we learned letter M words and names, such as moose, mouse, monster, money, mommy, monkey, Max, Marisol, Maya, Michael, and Miss Mindy. We read Moose Tracks! by Karma Wilson. In this book, a moose makes tracks in every room of the house, but no one can find him. For our letter M art project, the boys and girls painted the letter M with magenta paint. On the M, they put a moose mowing the lawn. We listened to the CD called Action Songs for Preschoolers and learned some aerobic movements.

On Wednesday, one group of children read If You Give a Moose a Muffin and If You Take a Mouse to School both by Laura Numeroff. The other group of children made a monkey for their journal page. In yoga, the children practiced yoga breathing. They played "Yoga Lights" and made poses for dinosaurs, snakes, and pogo sticks. They also learned a breathing exercise called "Sa, ta, na, ma".

On Thursday, we read Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. In this book, Max is sent to his room and his imagination takes him on an exciting adventure to a faraway place. For our project, the boys and girls made a Max collage with a map that leads to the wild things.

On Friday, we read Nanta's Lion by Suse MacDonald. Nanta is in search of a lion who is frightening the cattle in her African village. This search-and-find book has a surprise ending as Nanta shows her disappointment in being unable to find the lion. For our craft project, the children made Mesai beaded necklaces like the ones illustrated in the book.

*Thank you to Lila, Jack F., Jonah A., Lucas, and Leo for being our super "kids of the day" this week. Thank you to all of our families who attended the Art Exhibit and Fall Shabbat Dinner last Friday. The ceramic tiles will be on display for a few weeks. If you would like to purchase your child's tile and/or matching note cards, please let us know as soon as possible.
*Please call, 215-922-6590 x28, or email,, if your child is sick and will not be attending school. We are trying to be careful to prevent the spread of the flu and we want to make sure that children who are sick are not coming back to school too soon.
*Our first trip to the Philadelphia Museum of Art will take place on Tuesday, November 10. All children and parents are invited to attend even if Tuesday is not your child's day to come to school. The cost is $10.00 per child and $10.00 for an adult. We would like to have as many parent chaperones as possible. Please let us know if your child will be going on the trip. The permission slip and payment are due by Friday, November 6.
*Please sign-up for Afterschool Arts Clubs. It's a great way for children to extend their day in the Playschool. Each day, we focus on a featured activity. Monday is Cooking Club, where this week, the children made a salad, on Tuesday for Science Club, the children experimented with paint racing, Wednesday is Art and the children read Feathers for Lunch by Lois Ehlert and made birds, Thursday is Movement Club where the boys and girls played games and rode scooters, and on Fridays, the children sing songs in Music Club. Please have your child give it a try!
* Next week, we will learn letter N. Have a great weekend!

Miss Gloria, Miss Allison, Miss Sophie, Miss Mindy and Mr. Noah

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